
July 14, 2011

Whole 30 - Day 26

On to day 26. Just 4 more days to go, and hopefully less than that to beat this virus.
I actually felt slightly worse this morning, but I took a whole lot of rest (the weather sucks over here so I didn't even go outside..) and am starting to feel better already. Let's hope another easy day tomorrow will work like magic, so I'll be all better by Saturday!

I mostly did some holiday planning today, and cooked a few dishes. It's nice to just be at home, taking your time to cook a good meal, allowing you to get a little more creative. Of course it isn't nice to be at home because you're not feeling well, but it's important to always look on the bright side!
Regarding my trip (just 2 more weeks!!), I'm going to drive all the way to Oregon City (near Portland) for a workout at CrossFit Oregon City and figured I might as well go to the Multnomah Falls, which are close by. I've seen some pictures of those and they look absolutely stunning! I love waterfalls.. I don't think there's anything more beautiful in nature.
I better keep a travel dairy next month, to keep track of what I did on which day as I've got so many things planned. Might be interesting to keep some sort of food log as well so I can do a 'how-to' blog post on road trip food.
Hmm, I guess I'm going to finalize my 'planning' (which is always subject to change) tomorrow.

Here are my meals for day 26 of the Whole 30!

Whole 30 day 26 - 1
Egg salad, leftover ground beef and stir-fried swiss chard with some coconut milk

Whole 30 day 26 - 2
Tomato fish curry with a salad

Whole 30 day 26 - 3
Pumpkin and swiss chard mash, with a diced cooked chicken breast and chives, and some tomatoes

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